Posted in Class Assignment

AVID 7 Finds their Good Qualities

AVID 7 read a great article about a homeless girl who was able to get a full ride to Yale University.  The students of AVID 7 realized that to get that full ride Viviana must have some pretty good qualities.  We compared ourselves to Viviana to figure out what traits we shared.  Here are a few of the paragraphs below.

Viviana Andazola Marquez, a homeless girl, worked very hard to receive a full ride to Yale.  Viviana and I have similar traits that makes us successful. Viviana was so courageous because she studied for many hours after school. She had confidence in herself because she knew she would always work hard to have good grades. She never gave up on herself. Viviana was very smart and wanted to go to college. She was always motivated, so am I. Viviana and I have a lot of similar traits,  we are so successful! I’m also confident  in myself because  I play sports and I want to go to a good college and to get a scholarship. I want to improve in school especially in my grades. I want to go to college but the only way I’m going to get there is if I have good grades and work hard. I need this because I want to get a scholarship to a really good college. I want to be as smart and as confident in myself as Viviana is. Viviana and I have a lot in common.
By Soraya S.

Viviana Andazola Marquez, a homeless teen, got a full ride to an Ivy League School.  I believe that Viviana and I share traits that make us successful.  Viviana and I share confidence.  I have to have confidence to do a task and if Viviana didn’t have confidence she would never have been able to attend Yale. I also believe Viviana and I share determination. If I have an assignment that I know is worth a large percentage of my grade, I am determined to finish it. Kind of similar to Viviana. She didn’t let her being homeless get in the way of her doing her homework.  Like Vivianna, I have many traits that make me successful.
By Julianna M.

Viviana Andazola Marquez was a homeless girl who received a full ride to Yale. These are some traits that Viviana and I have in common that makes us successful. Viviana and I have good grades and we are both responsible. Viviana and I are confident in what we want to do. We are also caring. As a result, we are also motivated and we both focus on what we want to achieve in life. Viviana and I are both able to find resources to find answers. I am responsible because I do my homework everyday. Like Viviana, I have good grades, motivation, and have focus in what I want to accomplish in life. These are some traits that will make us successful in life.
By Brianna M.

Viviana Andazola Marquez was a homeless girl who received a full ride to Yale. These are some traits Viviana and I have in common. We are both caring and we have lots of support from our teachers.  They tell us things like “never give up”. Another trait we share is not to quit on the things we do. We are also really motivated. These traits will make sure both Viviana and I have a successful future!
by Melissa A.

Interested in reading the article?  Click here to read.